TSMP Change-log: #1


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Hey, welcome to our very first changelog! We will be sharing updates in this format when we don’t have anything major to release (for example ).
Anyways, back to the changelog.


  • Recipe unlocks no longer are broadcasted to chat-link.
  • Finally re-disabled chat signing (prevents in game chat reports)

What’s new?


Nerd stuff 👨‍💻
Wings is a plug-in used on TSMP that implements the market, player linking and more, it does this by directly communicating with the gateway. We’ve implemented a plug-in message API for client mods to communicate to wings, our very first method OTTwill return a OneTimeToken for you.
This makes it possible for our upcoming companion client mod to communicate to the gateway as if it was you, here’s a teaser of one of the features.
notion image